Geosynthetics have been successfully utilized in the construction of roads and railways for decades. They fulfil all the classic functions of reinforcement, separation, filtration, protection, drainage and sealing. By achieving these functions our products reduce aggregate requirements, simplifying construction, increasing roadway life and reducing overall maintenance.
PIONEERTEX products including: geotextiles, geocomposites and geogrids help construct better roads by increasing the structural integrity of roads, which improves capacity and longevity.
Road and geotechnical design engineers are facing an increasing challenge of building roads, mining and working platforms, stabilizing embankments and indeed a myriad of engineering structures on problematic soils. As resources and cost considerations become more onerous more novel and sophisticated ground treatment options are required.
Previous techniques to improve soils and provide sound engineering foundations may have involved very expensive excavation and replacement techniques, soil surcharging techniques and waiting for extended time periods for the soil to consolidate and gain shear strength, route changes to avoid the problem area, or indeed the abandonment of the project altogether due to cost issues.
PIONEERTEX CHINA offers a full range of geosynthetic products that are highly effective in the treatment of soft ground/problematic soils for a wide range of treatment types.
· Control stability of embankment construction and resist rotational foundation failure due to weak shear strength can be assisted with the use of High Strength structural geotextile such as PIONEERTEX HS PET WOVEN GEOTEXTILE.
· Positive separation of soft ground materials and imported materials can be achieved with the use of PIONEERTEX HS PET FILAMENT NONWOVEN GEOTEXTILE.
· Working platforms for both temporary works (such as piling platforms ) and permanent structures (such as mine storage areas) can be assisted with the range of PIONEERTEX GEOGRIDS.